Sunday, October 13, 2013

"Now, What Do You Say...?"

C Lectionary 28 – October 13, 2013
Text: Luke 17:11-19 – Healing of Ten Lepers
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Grand Prairie, Texas

+ INJ +

Grace and peace to you, from God our Father, and the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

On Wednesday morning this past week, I found myself feeling very melancholy. I had no good reason to feel that way: it was a beautiful Fall morning; the allergies I’d been fighting were finally less oppressive; and I was looking forward to our Pet Blessing that evening. Yet, for whatever reason, melancholy set in.

During some time of prayer and Bible reading that morning, I pressed into the melancholy some, using this verse from Psalm 42 as my guide: “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me?”

Apparently the psalmist knew melancholy, too!

I then wrote two lists. The first list was the stuff that was hanging over my head, weighing me down. Getting it out on paper helped me to pray about it more clearly, and – lo and behold! – it all got lighter. It was still there, but it didn’t weigh so much. I felt the melancholy beginning to lift.

After some prayer, I started the second list - what I was grateful for, in that moment. Things like: Steve, Max, our home, the upcoming Animal Blessing, the arrival of Fall, and on and on. I found that giving thanks was easier than I thought it would be, given my earlier mood. My perspective had changed somewhere along the way, and I was able to turn to God in prayer, but also turn to him in deep gratitude. The melancholy was gone by now, cast away by my thoughts, prayers, and words of thanksgiving.

Our gospel lesson today from Luke 17 about the ten lepers healed by Jesus is an extraordinary story. Our term, “leprosy” covers a host of skin diseases – so when we hear that someone was a leper, we don’t know exactly what was ailing them. Whatever the case, people suffering from skin diseases were outcasts for the duration of their illness – they were required to be quarantined from others. Not until the priests checked them over were they allowed to return to their regular lives. Often, in their exile, they formed communities for themselves, fulfilling the adage that “misery loves company.”

So, Jesus is on the road, and he encounters these ten lepers, who cry out to him for mercy. He hears their cries and tells them to go and show themselves to the priests, and – just like that – they’re healed. And nine of them go off, presumably obeying Jesus’ instructions to see the priests and be restored to their normal lives.

And then we hear of this one fellow.

We don’t know much about this fellow. We don’t know if he had been a leper for ten days, ten weeks, ten months, or ten years. We do know that for however long he was deemed “unclean” by the priests, he had been cut off from his family members, friends, religious community, and society at large.

So this one fellow out of the ten realizes he is healed, he realizes that a miracle has been done, and then – he realizes that he has some unfinished business. It’s almost as if his mom or dad is standing there with him, saying what parents often say to their children when someone has given them something: “Now, what do you say?”

The text says that this one fellow turns back to Jesus, full of praise and thanksgiving. What’s remarkable to me is that this one who has been separated from society – for ten days, ten weeks, ten months, or ten years – he doesn’t dwell on that. He doesn’t sit around and complain about the time he lost. He’s too full of thankfulness!

And then Luke gives us this extra bit of information: “He was a Samaritan.”[1]

Why this added note? Well, Luke is giving us another example of the wideness of God’s mercy. Think of a person or a group that you find difficult to love; a person or group that you cannot stand; a person or group that you mistrust with everything in you.

To the Jews, those were the Samaritans. There was such animosity between these two groups that in healing a Samaritan, Jesus was crossing difficult and painful cultural boundaries. Then to have a Samaritan come back and thank Jesus? Ludicrous.

And yet, he does. This is a story, then, about the wideness of God’s mercy extending even to those we don’t expect – and a story about those we don’t expect giving thanks and praise to God.

In turning back to Jesus, this one leper hears Jesus say to him that he has been made well – other translations say that he was “saved.” Now, all ten of them were cleansed of their skin ailments, but only this one was “made well.” It would seem that only this one experienced the deep joy that comes when we are deeply grateful.

For when we are deeply grateful, we find it difficult to be anxious; we find it difficult to find fault in others; we find it difficult to feel melancholy. When we are deeply grateful, as this one leper was, we find that our hearts overflow with thanks and praise to God, the giver of all good gifts.

Being thankful takes some intentionality. That leper - once he realized what had happened to him - he then had to turn around and go back to Jesus in order to thank him personally. In order to be thankful, we must first realize what gifts we have been given, and then we must turn from whatever is holding our focus in the moment: be it fear, or bitterness, or jealousy, or complacency, and, turning back to Jesus, we offer our thanks and praise to God.

“O give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his steadfast love endures forever.”[2]

+ SDG +

[1] Luke 17:16
[2] Psalm 136:3

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