Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sheep, Coins, Keys, and That Corner in My Office

Bobby the Bear enjoying the corner of my office.

C Lectionary 24 – September 15, 2013
Text: Luke 15:1-10
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Grand Prairie, Texas

+ INJ +

Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Context: Jesus is dining with “tax collectors and sinners” – like so many others, they are spending time with Jesus in order to listen to him and learn from him. Enter the Pharisees, who were religious leaders, and who see these “tax collectors and sinners” as total outcasts – and so the Pharisees begin complaining about the company that Jesus is keeping. In their minds, these outcasts aren’t even worth Jesus’ time and effort.

Jesus responds to their complaining by telling several parables. He uses what is familiar to them in order to make a point: he begins talking about a lost sheep and a lost coin – and then, in the portion of Luke 15 we don’t read today – the Prodigal Son.

Maybe a lost sheep doesn’t mean much to us – but Jesus’ listeners would’ve gotten it. Sheep were a part of a shepherd’s livelihood, after all. And as for the lost coin – I’m not sure how many of us would turn our homes upside down for a lost coin, but for the woman, that one coin represented maybe a day’s wages. I’d turn my home upside down to find that! I think most of us would. In other words, Jesus is saying, these “tax collectors and sinners” are very much worth his time and effort because they have worth to God, who loves them.

So if we were going to create a modern-day parable, we could start by answering these questions: What have you lost? What have you found?
One example: Two different people told me about their experiences this past week of losing their keys - Kathy and Kris. Both were out running errands; both were a bit frantic in realizing their keys were missing; both were then beyond over-joyed when their keys were found.
And another example: this week, we’ve been doing lots of work around here to get the building ready for the anniversary celebration next weekend. I decided I would finally tackle the pile in the corner of my office. It’s been hiding there, behind a chair, pretty much since the week I moved in. I hauled all that stuff into the middle of the room, sorted it out, found new homes for it, and – lo and behold! – I found a whole corner of my office that had been lost! I rejoiced with those who were here for the work day, and later, with the friends I was joining for dinner.

In his parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, Jesus has us thinking about the joy we have whenever something we have lost is found. Jesus is making a point about how the love of God works.

We are the lost “thing” – we are the missing sheep, the coin that rolled away, or in our modern version: the keys hiding in the store, the corner buried under a pile. The ones doing the searching – the shepherd and the woman – they portray God: always searching, and not giving up.

Have you ever been lost yourself? If not lost in terms of directions, then maybe lost in terms of being separated from others – like as a child, lost in the grocery store? Maybe you’ve felt lost in other ways – disconnected, unfocused, without purpose.

Maybe you’ve tried to be lost on purpose. Psalm 139 alludes to this. The psalmist writes:
Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there;  if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there.
If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea,
even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light around me become night,”
even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is as bright as the day,
for darkness is as light to you.[1]
Fleeing from God’s presence, he looks for us. Covering ourselves with darkness, he turns on the light switch, and there we are.

And so, returning to our parables, notice where the action is – GOD is doing the searching and the finding. That lost sheep doesn’t wander around, looking for the shepherd. The missing coin doesn’t roll around, looking for the woman. GOD FINDS US.

These parables, then, are less about us trying to be perfect, or us finding holiness. Even as we are imperfect and unrighteous – even as we are lost - here is the most important thing that we are: We are found by God because we are loved by God.

If God is the shepherd in the first parable or the woman in the second, then look at what happens at the end of each parable: The shepherd celebrates! The woman rejoices! They call together friends and neighbors and invite them to rejoice, for that which was lost has been found!

The ends of these stories seem a bit extravagant – calling together friends and neighbors to celebrate finding a sheep? Or a coin? But that is Jesus’ point, exactly – that the love of God in searching for us and finding us – it is an extravagant love. And for us, there is such great joy in knowing that God rejoices over us, celebrating out of that extravagant love.

May we, as ones who are found by God and loved by God, share that extravagant love of God with everyone we encounter.

+ SDG +

[1] Psalm 139:7-12

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