C Lectionary 18 – August 4, 2013
Text: Colossians 3:1-11 (+ 12-17)
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Grand Prairie, Texas
+ INJ +
So, in today’s portion of
Colossians, what we’re served up feels an awful lot like a big, fat ethics lesson.
“Be sure not to do this!” “But also,
be sure to do that!” Is it any wonder
that many people – including many Christians – feel that following Jesus is
basically following a bunch of rules?
“[G]et rid of all such
things—anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive language from your mouth,” and
also lying to each other, says this letter. Later on, in the verses right after
where we finished reading today, we find: “[C]lothe yourselves with compassion,
kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if
anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord
has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with
love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ
rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be
thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one
another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns,
and spiritual songs to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything
in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
It seems like a big task, doesn’t
it – “Be sure not to do this!” “But
also, be sure to do that!”
Rather than simply thinking of the
Christian life as a matter of ethics – or rule-following - though, I invite us
to think about the Christian life from a standpoint of community. Remember that Colossians was written for a community –
as such, it addresses community needs
and community life. And so, since we
also live and work in and belong to communities of one kind or another (just
like the Colossians did), I invite to think about these instructions in terms
of what is most helpful to us and to others in our communities?
We should “…get rid of all such
things—anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive language from your mouth,”
and also lying to each other. Get rid of them. Take them out to the dumpster,
open the lid, and throw them in, closing the lid afterwards. From a standpoint
of caring for one another in our communities, what place do these things really
have, anyway?
Instead, Colossians says, this is
how we care for each other: we clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness,
humility, meekness, patience, and love. Bear with one another; forgive each
other; let Christ’s peace take control of us; teach each other; be grateful to
God; and say and do everything in the name of Jesus. In our communities, the
expectation is that we will be the loving ones and the patient ones.
The image given in Colossians is
one of taking off all of the unhelpful things – removing them, like a dirty,
smelly shirt, and then putting on clean clothing. Indeed, this is what took
place at baptisms in early Christian communities. The baptismal candidate would
remove their old clothes before the baptism, putting on fresh, new clothes
following the baptism. And so – while this is an unfamiliar image for us in
terms of how we do baptisms – for the Colossians, this taking off of the old
before a baptism and putting on the new afterwards – this was familiar
territory for them.
When I was in high school, I went
into my mom’s room once to get something. She had this note taped to her
mirror: “SIFT,” it said.
Knowing my mom, the note wasn’t
about baking. It wasn’t about taking that sifter in one hand and putting the
flour and other ingredients through it, getting everything mixed together and
pulling out any random clumps or clods. And so, later on, I asked her. She
explained that she had been working on sifting out some thoughts that were
unhelpful. The note, then, was a visual reminder to herself – to keep on
So it is with our Christian lives –
we sift out the unhelpful – we sift out those things that really should go into
the trash, and we are left instead with only that which is helpful – that which
truly builds our communities, rather than tearing them down. We won’t always
sift perfectly. We’re going to lose our tempers and say things we shouldn’t.
We’re going to sin from time to time. Thank God at those times that we have
those around us who bear with us and forgive us! And thank God that we can be
the patient and forgiving ones to those around us when they sin!
The sifting takes some time – it
takes some intentionality. But if we look at all of this from a standpoint of
what is helpful to our communities and what builds others up, we see that is the heavenly view of things.
That’s really what it means to set our minds on things that are above – not
that we see things through rose-colored glasses, but rather, we look at
everything through a lens of grace. Seeing everything through a lens of grace,
we begin to see where the needs are, and to respond with love, empowered by the
Holy Spirit.
Recently, a pastor friend found out
that a young woman in his community – a relative of a church member – had been
seriously injured in an accident. The young woman was life-flighted to a
specialty hospital so her wounds could be properly treated. My friend, with the
family’s permission, of course, shared the young woman’s story with others
online, as well as providing love, prayers, and support to the young woman and
her family.
Now, I’ll be honest: lots of times,
I see or hear these prayer requests and that’s the last I hear about them. I’ll
offer up prayers as requested, but I often don’t get to hear the rest of the
story – what happens after I offer my prayers on behalf of that stranger in
My friend continued to post updates
about the young woman, continuing to ask for prayers for her. Another friend,
who serves as a pastor in another state, decided to ask his folks to make cards
for the young woman. And so, they did – much like we have here at ORLC before –
a bunch of Floridians sat around tables and made cards for a young woman lying
in a hospital bed in Texas. And many, many prayers have been said for her, too,
by people she doesn’t even know.
Both of my friends looked at this
tragic situation through a lens of grace. One friend saw the deep need for
prayer for the young woman and her family. The other friend saw the deep need
for expressions of love, given by brothers and sisters in Christ. Both friends
clothed themselves with love, “which binds everything together in perfect
May we too choose to put on love.
May we choose that which is helpful. May we choose that which builds up. May we
choose to put on love.
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