Wednesday, August 14, 2013

God is Working - Of That, I Am Certain

Even at sunset, it's still hot!

C Lectionary 19 – August 11, 2013
Text: Hebrews 11:1-3; 8-16
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Grand Prairie, Texas

+ INJ +

May grace be with you, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Today, we begin looking at the final letter in our summertime sermon series. We began in Galatians, continued in Colossians, and now, we begin the book of Hebrews.

This letter is very different from the other two in these ways:
It's sort of a letter, but, really, more like a sermon. Hebrews is considered to be a sermon that was delivered in written form. We are unsure of who authored Hebrews – unlike Galatians and Colossians, the author of Hebrews never identifies himself. We guess that he is a Jewish Christian because he knows a lot and writes a lot about the Old Testament. We also know he was well-educated because of the way Hebrews is written. We also don’t know when Hebrews was written because the document gives us no real context clues. Our best guess is that it was written in the middle-to-end of the First Century after Christ.

One hint about the general time frame can be found in looking at who the likely audience for this letter was: namely, Jewish Christians. More specifically, Jewish Christians who were undergoing trials of some kind – trials that were causing them to consider falling away from their faith in Christ.

This is another letter that has Jesus Christ at its center. The letter begins by explaining Jesus’ superiority over others; continues by describing Jesus serving as both high priest and acting as the sacrifice for our sins; and ends with words about Christian life – including words of encouragement to persevere through times of hardship. It is into this third section that we are thrown by the assigned reading for today, from chapter 11.

Chapter 11 begins with one of the most-loved verses in the Bible: “[F]aith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”[1] Or as I learned it, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.” This statement is much more than a simple definition of what faith is – it really is more of a reminder. Remember, the author says, this is what faith is – it’s being sure of what we hope for – it’s being certain of what we do not see.

The author then begins reminding his audience about all these stories of God’s faithful people that surely they’d heard before – he lists a veritable Who’s Who of the Faithful – including Abraham and Sarah, whom we hear about today.

So, how did Abraham and Sarah live out their faith in God? Well, in Genesis[2], we read all about it – how God calls them out of where they are living and sends them to a place that he will show them. And they have faith in God, so they go. God leads them to Canaan and says, “I am going to give your descendants this land.”

Slight detail: at this point, Abraham and Sarah are childless – and not getting any younger. Eventually, Abraham and Sarah are blessed with their son, Isaac, but it takes some bumps in the road and some detours for them to get there. Once there, the descendants keep arriving from then on.

The author of Hebrews lifts up Abraham and Sarah not because they lived perfectly. They made plenty of mistakes as they tried to follow God faithfully – but through all their times of questioning and wondering – Where is God leading us? What on earth is God doing? - they continued to live with faith.

And so, what about us? Where are examples of faith that we can look at, to see faith in action for ourselves?

We have again reached that time of year. It is hot. I don’t bother checking the weather forecast much these days because - let’s face it – it’s all variations on 100-and-something. When I pull up the ten day forecast on my phone, there are all the little triple digit numbers, all down my screen in a little line, right next to the little row of pictures of bright sunshines. I mean, why bother? We’ve again reached the time of year when we begin to question and wonder – will it ever rain again? Will we face these triple-digit temperatures forever?

But if we stop and think about it for a minute, we begin to realize – wait – this is only a season. This is one season out of four. It may be the toughest one to make it through – it may even be the most demanding in terms of energy, water, and sheer physical stamina. But we know that it’s one season, and so we continue to live with faith and hope – faith and hope that once again, the temperatures will moderate, and once again, we’ll be blessed with some good rains to fill our depleted lakes and streams.

That’s one small example of faith – there are many others. Look around at the people you know (in this room, and elsewhere) – those who have faced difficulty after difficulty, and somehow have managed to survive. Only, they haven’t just survived, but they’ve actually grown in their faith, and allowed their faith to move them forward. Maybe you are one of those people. Whatever the case, the stories of faith are not only found in Scripture – they are found here, in this room, and all around us.

It is my hope that we will not only share our own stories of faith, but that we will listen to others as they share their stories. These are gifts that we offer to each other – gifts that build us all up – gifts that show just how it is that God continues to work in and through each of us. For God is working – of that I am certain.

“Now may the God of peace, who brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, make you complete in everything good so that you may do his will, working among us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.”[3]
+ SDG +

[1] Hebrews 11:1
[2] Beginning in Genesis 12
[3] Hebrews 13:20-21

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